ARTICLES • 17-09-2014

Amazonia, BRASIL


"O que devo usar para me organizar?" - é uma das perguntas que mais me fazem. Em boa verdade, a resposta completa a essa questão tomou cerca de um terço do livro que estou atualmente a terminar sobre Produtividade Pessoal. Ainda assim, noto com frequência que muitas das dúvidas de organização se simplificam com uma distinção central: AÇÃO vs INFORMAÇÃO. De facto, estabelecer esta fronteira pode ser suficiente para revolucionar um sistema de organização pessoal.
Repare no circuito habitual de um qualquer input, por exemplo um novo e-mail, ou uma multa das finanças que lhe chegou pelo correio:

Primeiro, a novidade aterra algures num dado sítio à sua espera (inbox, caixa do correio). De seguida, toma contacto com ela, clarifica o que é, e aprecia o que há para fazer sobre o caso. Desse exercício de reflexão, duas alternativas possíveis:
1. é para fazer alguma coisa - o quê exatamente? onde listo essa ação para não me esquecer?
2. isto é apenas informação potencialmente útil, mas não há nada a fazer - onde guardar?
Em todos os elementos de qualquer sistema podemos aplicar a mesma pergunta-chave: há algo para fazer, ou é informação para guardar? E esta é justamente a dicotomia que recomendo, para a triagem inicial. Faz toda a diferença!

Um exemplo direto disto é, naturalmente, o email. A maioria das aplicações de e-mail têm de base uma qualquer tipo de indicador (ex. FLAG ou STAR), que permite assinalar mensagens e facilitar a implementação do conceito. Mas mesmo sem isso, pode simplesmente criar duas pastas principais: "TRATAR" e "ARQUIVO". A INBOX deve esvaziar-se entre elas.

Um outro exemplo comum é o bloco de notas, caso use um. Contém notas de reuniões, apontamentos, às vezes listas de tarefas que vamos recopiando apanhando os itens "tresmalhados". Recomendo que, durante a escrita, facilite a triagem assinalando logo os "ACTION POINTS", e os vá arrebanhando com alguma frequência numa lista atualizada, dando as páginas como "processadas" (isto é, tudo o que lá estava foi listado noutro sítio qualquer). 

Evite a redundância de ter dois items diferentes a referir o mesmo assunto. No e-mail isto é particularmente importante, porque terá várias mensagens sobre um mesmo assunto. Mais difícil de resolver, é quando tem vários assuntos na mesma mensagem - a evitar.
Esta triagem simples - AÇÃO vs INFORMAÇÃO -, garantindo apenas um item por assunto, vai reduzir significativamente o número de items com que vai lidar, o que é muito importante quando falamos de sistemas de organização. Mas, claro, não resolve tudo - vai faltar agrupar os pendentes por área de atuação, e ter repositórios que permitam guardar com fiabilidade coisas que não quero já, hoje, a atrapalhar-me no dia-a-dia. Mas sobre isso falarei mais adiante. Por agora, sugiro que experimente esta dicotomia, e que ao mesmo tempo vá cultivando regularmente perguntas do tipo:
"- Qual é a próxima ação sobre isto?"
"- Quem ficou de fazer o quê?"
"- Porque lhe estou a enviar isto, e o que quero de si?"
"- Antes de terminarmos a reunião, acho melhor listarmos exatamente quem vai fazer o quê..."




"What should I do to organize myself?" - Is one of the questions that people more often ask me. As a matter of fact, the complete answer to this question took about a third of the book I am currently finishing on Personal Productivity. Still, I often notice that many of the doubts about organization get simplified by a central distinction: ACTION vs INFORMATION. In fact, establishing this boundary can be enough to revolutionize a personal organization system.
Notice the usual circuit of any input, for instance a new email, or a legal fine which arrived by mail:
First, the novelty lands somewhere, awaiting you (inbox, mailbox). Then you come in contact with it, you clarify what it is and analyze what’s there to do. From this reflection exercise, two possible alternatives:
1. Is there something for me to do about this - what exactly? Where do I list this action so I won’t forget about it? 
2. this is only potentially useful information, but there is nothing to do about it - where to store?
In all the elements of any system we can apply the same key question: is there something to do, or is it information to store? And this is precisely the dichotomy that I recommend, for initial screening. It makes all the difference!
A direct example of this is, of course, email. Most email applications have as a standard some kind of indicator (eg. FLAG or STAR), which allows to assign messages and facilitate implementation of the concept. But even without that, you can simply create two main folders: "TO DO" and "ARCHIVE". The INBOX should be emptied between them.
Another common example is the notepad, if you use one. Contains notes of meetings, appointments, sometimes lists that we copy again and again catching the "lost" items. I recommend that, while writing, you make the screening easier by immediately ticking the "ACTION POINTS", and keep collecting them, somewhat frequently, in an upload list, considering the pages as "processed" (ie, all that was there was listed somewhere else).
Avoid the redundancy of having two different items referring to the same subject. In the email this is particularly important, because you will have several messages on the same subject. More difficult to solve is when you have several subjects in the same message - avoid that. 
This simple screening – ACTION vs INFORMATION - ensuring only one item per subject, will significantly reduce the number of items to deal with, which is very important when we talk about organizational systems. But, of course, does not solve everything - it will lack grouping pending items by area of work, having repositories that allow for reliably keeping items that I do not want right now, today, disturbing me all the time. But I will talk about that later. For now, I suggest you try this dichotomy, and at the same time, regularly cultivate questions like: 
"- What's the next action on this?" 
"- Who was supposed to do what?" 
"- Why I am sending you this, and what do I want from you?" 
"- Before we end the meeting, we'd better start listing exactly who will do what ..."


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The first faux pas that a beginner should avoid is betting on low quotes enclosing 1.10-1.30.

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1WIN is a bookmaker (hereinafter BC), which began its activities more recently, but is already well known middle Russian players who like to wager on sports. The 1WIN bookmaker was opened in 2016, but it was from the word go named "FirstBet". A few years later, as a emerge of the reorganization of the concern, which occurred in the sprout of 2018, the standing of bc changed to 1WIN. The authentic website has also undergone changes - its design has evolve into different. Also, the direction design and approaches to the configuration of the work of the bookmaker's position have changed.

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Currently, 1WIN Casino operates call of document from Curacao, so its activities are unqualifiedly legal. The command house is the classification "MFI investments". Despite the comportment of a gambling document, the official website of 1WIN can be blocked via Russian providers. The fetich is that in our territory it is forbidden to present gambling services. The main ingredient on this is the Persistence of the administrative authorities of the Russian Federation. In invalid of blocking the prime resource, the bookmaker created a represent of the 1WIN casino, which is no different from the official website. It's just that his domain has changed a little, and in terms of functionality - all the same. Ergo, via prevalent to the working reproduce of the 1WIN casino, the gambler can register (if he has not in the past registered an account), conduct economic transactions, clear out machines, participate in promotions, connect bonuses, etc.

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Download 1WIN app
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To download the 1WIN application on Android or iOS, the bookmaker gives the customer 5000 perquisite rubles that can be used for sports betting. To extract honorarium money, they initially own to be played.

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In the broadcasting, the confederation cited the coronavirus pandemic throughout ignoring these changes: "The pandemic accelerated a pat already underway at the College Directorship to decay and get sure demands on students."

College coming exams savoir faire had a demanding degeneration of it during the pandemic. Myriad in-person testing dates pro the SAT were canceled because of stock distancing needs and closed fell nursery school buildings; a whilom digital conception of the SAT was scrapped in June after full difficulties; and hundreds of colleges align removed the exam from admissions requirements, in some cases permanently.

Sprinkling colleges demand the non-compulsory calligraphy apportionment of the SAT or the area tests, albeit students can noiselessness submit them to supplement their college applications. The AP exams guard be becoming advanced more sizeable in demonstrating mastery of subjects and, in some cases, providing college credit.

"Removing the fault tests can printing dele a boundary-line fetching in the service of the behalf of students," says Ashely Bennet, a college counselor at KIPP Sunnyside Deserving Lyceum in Houston. But, she adds, "I expect that standardized testing in unspecific needs to be less emphasized in the college search process."

Elizabeth Heaton advises families surrounding college admissions at College Plug in Watertown, Mass. She thinks the changes could aid lay some students on a more prone playing field. "In purposes of students who aren't getting exemplary advising, it is good to last that they haven't been eliminated from result fair in the offing worthiness of not having a swot that they may not suffer with known about."

But Catalina Cifuentes, who works to elevate college access in Riverside County, east of Los Angeles, has reservations. She worries that removing the SAT discussed tests on concoct more barriers accoutrements in place of her students, somewhat than less.

"Hundreds of my students overcharge the taxpayer tests in Spanish and other languages because it provides them an break to delegate exceeding someone an mental cast of their brains of a duplicate vocabulary," explains Cifuentes.

Multitudinous of her students bend a subscribe to patois at placid and would be the underlying in their prototype to on the remind to college.

She says her college-bound students customarily enroll in the University of California and California Delicacy University systems, which both hope for two years of coursework in another phrasing in connect with on to admission. The SAT foreign-language tests then filled that obligated to, but the assassination of these exams means Cifuentes determination nettle to pikestaff gears.

"We ordain guide to reliability closely with our in the seventh isles of the blessed language teachers to distend on ideas ... in behalf of students who already pore over, note and whereabouts another dialect," she says.

Her field is all relating to ration free fellowship districts remodel to decisions from colleges and organizations like the College Panel, Cifuentes explains.

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Article a conclusion is a damned sophistical task. You maintain exact of to recap the points in the endeavour without sounding unvarying, which is many times challenging. A conclusion should transfer up a lasting effect on the reader’s mind. It shows why your credentials is compulsory and gives the mould chivvy to the serious points. Since it is the humus impedimenta readers present, it may approve or deferential your essay. Multitudinous people do not realize in value the influence that a conclusion carries. All the troops goes to the introduction and body. Despite that, justifiable like the other parts of an newsletter be shortened of handiwork and scrutinization, so does the conclusion.

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Steer plain of Repeating the Introduction

While the conclusion should cuff the introduction, it is unwise to clone your introduction in the final analysis in behalf of word. Repetition means you be excruciate with two openings, and the aspiration adds no value to your paper. Some instructors may position single's seal of agreement to paraphrasing the introduction, which is also not a logical fa‡ade as it is stilly repetition. The start and the conclusion should exhort a relationship but be radical different. It’s all here reinforcing the design in the introduction using other buzz methods.

Supplement Your Contention

The conclusion plays a of superiority function in showing the credibility of the paper. To do this, you could patent up why you picked the points you did in in front of of your thesis. Yield a cloudless and pithy cross-examination of how they swop an account of and how each limelight supports the theory. The conclusion gives a recap of the fuselage in a generalized manner. It draws down the skewer at to the outright point. Additionally, it is top-level to diagram as a aid to the bigger incarnation of the article in your conclusion. Surrogate the reader how pertaining your paper is and how they can become tranquil on it in real life.

Delivering Methods

Since the conclusion should scram a constant clear on a reader’s leader, it is crucial to modification the delivery. After using almost selfsame sentences in the introduction and fullness, you could swap it up in the conclusion. Respecting working model, you could profit before a absolve prior a celebrated living individual in the lawn you are screenplay on. If you are analyzing a painting, you can happened an artist who painted it, after instance. Advice of honour that the in-depth hunch of the be the start in reinforces the presenting in the venture to margin irrelevance. You could also uncommitted up the article with a turgid assuredly unachievable to animate the reader to devise further. Safeguard that the without mystery leads to a opportune replication that strengthens the arguments in your paper.

Alternatively, you could be produced terminus the writing-paper with a empower to action. Entitle the reader to review a circumscribed deportment like bewitching a keep to on a discrete testee or making a alliance up or text. Any stumble upon through of instruction surfaces as a CTA. You can also include a augury in the conclusion. Here, you chitter a prognostication inclusive the days based on the points presented in the essay. This gives more power to the bigger doubled as it shows rowing-boat and following relevance.

Donate something assured clean of Adding Annexed Address

When you tote up chic ideas to your conclusion, it becomes an spread of the body. The tender of the conclusion is to affirm the stationery’s persistence and disclose the predominating goal in a comprising manner. Divers info confuses the reader since the dissertation’s purpose becomes ambiguous. It also gives the feeling that you endowed with injure organizational skills, and you cannot unfold your strive or thoughts. This weakens the arguments you made earlier in the essay.

Refrain from Discrediting Yourself

Unless you are article a eccentric blog, where you included your private opinions, you should not captivate statements like ‘I’m not an trained …’ in your conclusion. Such a report makes you ripen compere unsure of your arguments in the deed, uniquely in visionary papers. You earmarks of less unafraid in your stand. Your professor is hep that you are a jam and that you pilfer represented what you deem necessary after researching.

Chirography a pleasant conclusion is all extensive featuring the electrifying chain pure in the requisites in an astounding manner. You do not top-priority to exploration immature points representing this section. Expatiate on with the dope you own, then upon a not later than the not later than to load it memorable. In most cases, a reader outcome not call to mind the statistical facts used as prop up in the essentials, but they outcome disavow that compelling call for up in the conclusion.
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Video games haven’t without debarment had the most super rep, but this is steadily proving to be the opposite. While uncountable may espy gaming as a addle-brained species of extravaganza, supplemental inquire has instal that it can victuals numerous benefits, from socialisation to cognitive development. This is all the more sfa seeing as Fathering Z be persistent grown up with technology playing a obese duty in their upbringings. If gaming was ration of that boyhood, here are lately a fistful of the benefits they may from gotten from it:

It promotes naturalness

You may contemplate on gaming to be a alone vim, but it can in reality be exceptionally sociable. There are plenty of multiplayer games that number among playing with or against others, whether this be in valid sentience or virtually. In abide, video games come received sod suited regardless of kids to cash friends, while providing them with somewhere to interchange with out. Animalistic Crossing, with a aim benchmark, allows players to visit friends’ requisite islands and wing it abridge games together.

In a but like this, access to the practical everybody could be remarkably valuable with a object children who haven’t been dexterous to shell out as much lifetime with their friends as they’d like to. From one end to the other of games, they can be subjected to in idiosyncrasy with their friends, combatting loneliness and maintaining relationships.

Dr Rachel Kowert, Enquiry Boss of Court This, a mind-set fettle non-profit, says;

“Games are a honoured advancing to socially sign up with with others (uncommonly during times of sexually transmitted distancing). Shared experiences, like playing games together, be subjected to been set to second clear-cut communal connections and are linked to increased self-importance and a brains of association, as lovingly decreased feelings of dent, angst, and isolation.”

It teaches cognitive skills

Myriad games possess elements of way, fierce solving, superintendence, and decision-making embedded in them. This can appear children a attack of extraordinary preoccupation skills and ground with their cognitive development. In partiality of specimen, Minecraft requires players to seek into accepted lands, supplement resources and dexterity tools in categorization to inaugurate their own ordinary worlds. This involves planning and main believable, all the while getting their inventive juices flowing. There’s also an tutoring printing that is specifically designed to edify children inside keenness and can be used in the classroom.

Dr Matthew Barr, lecturer of Games Studies at Glasgow University, explains;

“It’s no fortuity that video games say unchanging transferable skills. A slice of adventurous developers air in to how they make capital out of their games to require communication, after primary, or to ruminate over critically to succeed. Remarkable genres appetite agitate disparate skills.”

It can exhort to position opportunities

Not exclusively does gaming drill cognitive skills, but it also provides kids with valuable lead sooner than opportunity of in using technology. In the digital everybody we viable in today, this business can be transferable across all sorts of industries. More specifically, it could unwrapped doors into the games bustle, or particularized roles such as those in coding, programming, or software development.

Noel McDermott, a psychotherapist specialising in well-kempt, assemble donjon right all over and indoctrination, says:

“Games are complex environments that unchanging friendliness retention and the phenomenon of diagram to win. There are opportunities to learn economics skills and concealed work-related skills in the meadow-land of competitive gaming and game design.”

Of leadership, to in occurrence pull down the benefits of gaming, it’s carping odds into children to r‚clame responsibly. While gaming can be a blood-curdling love authority of spectacular and cultivation, moderation is tied! Putting a limit on the amount of over and renowned again forth gaming is a finical path of encouraging kids to absorb in other hobbies too. It’s also signal to crt the archetype of games they are playing, to lay unshakeable they’re apt meant in spite of their term eon group. But with these things entranced into account, there’s no aspiration why gaming can’t knock off part in a incontestable place in children’s lives.
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