Corumbá, fronteira BRASIL/BOLIVIA
Today I didn’t lose my wallet. I was convinced that I did, but in fact I didn’t. And, suddenly, it was really good to see it. Everyday I see it without feeling none of that, but today to see it was like all the work and the hours spent on making the duplicates of all the stuff it contained were dismissed. A need that never existed, make note, because I never truly lost it. But if you imagine the missing wallet was yours, and you’ll understand the alarm...
It’s funny how these mere hypothesis are enough to work on a psychological idea of pleasure motivated by the absence of displeasure, without a thing ever having happened in the real world.
I think that this is a limited source of pleasure, but still an interesting one to explore. I mean: it seems to me that we can only cheat the process until a certain point. If you think about it, you’re certainly very happy you’re not sick (I sincerely hope you’re not). Have you thought how good it is not to feel horrible pain when swallowing because of an inflamed throat? Have you already thought how good it is not to feel the soreness in your body like if you’ve been beaten up? Or for instance how good it is not to feel an atrocious toothache? Or because today no accident has happened to any of your family members? Or because your country isn’t at war? Because no tsunami hit us?
From this perspective, so much gratitude lacks to be expressed everyday when, once more, the sky didn’t fall on us... (and may today not be that day’s eve!)
I agree that that’s not the kind of thought that tends to go very far. Because our daily routine quickly rips it into shreds. Today I invite you to be grateful for all the bad things that didn’t happen to you, and tomorrow that will be entirely gone. And that will be OK, it’s normal...
Either way, today, I confess: how good it is not to have lost my wallet!!!...
Gonçalo Gil Mata
Essa é mais uma das razoes para dar graças todos os dias, em vez de pedir mais e mais!!
A minha filha de 14 anos também passou por um processo de doença, uma semana inteira vomitos diarreia dores etc... e ontem acordou bem disposta sem dores e disse-me: Mae vamos sair temos que comemorar, é o primeiro dia que me sinto bem!!!!